Most people have experienced a bitter aftertaste whenever eating or drinking certain foods and beverages. This can typically go away after rinsing your mouth or brushing your teeth. However, some people aren’t able to get rid of the flavor no matter how much they clean. If this sounds familiar, then you might have an underlying issue that needs to be addressed with dental care. Read on to learn what can cause a bitter taste in the mouth and how your dentist can help you get rid of it.
What Is Considered a Bad Taste?
If you ever have a bad taste in your mouth, it can often be described as a bitter, rancid, metallic, salty, or foul flavor, which can vary from person to person. A chronic or persistent altered taste is medically referred to as “dysgeusia.” This condition can be long-lasting and won’t go away unless the root of the problem is addressed.
5 Common Causes of Bad Taste In the Mouth
Here are five reasons you could be experiencing a bitter taste in the mouth:
- Poor oral hygiene: One of the most common causes can simply be neglecting to brush, floss, and rinse your smile regularly every day. Without proper dental hygiene, you can increase the risk of infections, gum disease, and cavities, which can contribute to a foul taste in the mouth.
- Oral thrush: This is a yeast infection that is typically indicated by white spots or blotches on the tongue, throat, or mouth. Unless the condition is addressed, the bad taste might persist. You can easily avoid this infection with routine brushing and flossing.
- Dry mouth: Otherwise known as “xerostomia,” this can occur when the mouth doesn’t have proper saliva production. It can also be due to certain medications, health disorders, and tobacco use. Dry mouth can allow harmful bacteria to thrive, which can result in a foul odor or flavor.
- Pregnancy: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to various issues, such as a bitter taste. Some pregnant women experience a metallic or bitter flavor in their mouths until later in their process or even after giving birth.
- Respiratory infections: Conditions like sinusitis, colds, tonsilitis, and middle ear infections can sometimes impact your smell and taste.
How Your Dentist Can Help
While having a bitter taste in the mouth is a widespread problem, it doesn’t mean it should be dismissed. Not only can it affect your confidence, but it could also signify a developing concern that can put you and your oral health at risk. If this is something you’re experiencing, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for help. They’ll be more than happy to assess the situation, detect the root of the issue, and develop a treatment plan to get your smile back on track with good health!
About the Author
Dr. Darren Koch studied at The University at Buffalo and regularly seeks continuing education to refine his skills. He’s also a proud member of organizations like the American Dental Association and the North Carolina Dental Society. He offers a long list of high-quality services, including checkups/cleanings, periodontal therapy, and oral cancer screenings. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, visit his website or call 919-859-6633.